
About v.oeters

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So far v.oeters has created 32 blog entries.

Preliminary Report on the 2018 Season

2019-05-10T11:30:59+01:00May 10th, 2019|Categories: News|

The 2018 report from the Leiden-Turin Expedition to Saqqara is now available in Open Access here:

Preliminary Report 2018

In the 2018 season, the expedition worked north of the tomb of Maya. A Ramesside tomb-chapel was found with six small figures carved in high relief in the middle of its back wall (see photo). The shaft of another Ramesside chapel was excavated, revealing several plundered subterranean chambers. Read the Preliminary Report for more information!

Ramesside tomb-chapel with carved figures in high relief

Ramesside tomb-chapel with carved figures in high relief, found during the 2018 season.

The 2019 Leiden-Turin excavations at Saqqara have started!

2019-03-20T20:24:52+01:00March 19th, 2019|Categories: News|

A workman gently sifting the sand.

This week the team members from the National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden, the Egyptian Museum in Turin and the Politecnico di Milano arrived in Saqqara.

The mission’s excavation season starts Sunday 17 March and ends Wednesday 24 April.

The first Digging Diary of 2019 is expected to go online on 22 March!

Visit our website every week for the latest Digging Diary of the 2019 fieldwork season!


Renew Your Membership 2019

2019-03-21T08:34:48+01:00March 19th, 2019|Categories: News|

If you wish (to continue) to support archaeological research in Saqqara through the Friends of Saqqara Foundation in 2019, we kindly request you to transfer your 2019 donation into bank account number NL18INGB0009562150 of the Friends of Saqqara Foundation, stating “Donation 2019” and your Friends-number.

Your continued support, financially and otherwise, remains a necessity for achieving the objectives of the Foundation.
We thank you for the trust you have placed in us.

The proposed minimum donations are, as in previous years, as follows:

  • standard: € 35.00 (€ 40.00 for members living abroad)*
  • student: € 17.50 (€ 22.50 for student members living abroad)*

Of course, higher donations are also welcome!
After receiving your donation, you will be marked as a member for the calendar year 2019, with the associated privileges: no entrance fee for the Saqqara Day in June (held in Leiden), discounts on publications sponsored by Friends of Saqqara and you will receive our exclusive Saqqara Newsletter (printed in English) in the autumn.

*An additional € 5 will be charged for shipping outside the Netherlands)

Obituary Willem Beex

2019-01-31T15:06:02+01:00January 31st, 2019|Categories: News|

It is with great sadness that we announce the unexpected passing of Willem Beex (age 56), the former surveyor of the Leiden Mission at Saqqara, on Saturday 26 January 2019.

Willem Beex
* Eindhoven, 25 July 1962
† Amsterdam, 26 January 2019

Willem studied art history, archaeology and prehistory at Groningen and Amsterdam University and worked on various excavations in the Netherlands and in Italy. He worked with an archaeological service on sites in the north of the Netherlands from 2001-2003 and he was a self-employed archaeological consultant since 2003.

Willem joined the Saqqara expedition from 2000 till 2009 and introduced modern surveying techniques involving computer-aided design. He was responsible for making the plans, sections, and reconstructions of the tombs and structures found during these fruitful years.

Willem will be missed by his mother, family, friends and colleagues.

Now Available: Two Virtual Tombs!

2018-12-23T13:44:52+01:00December 23rd, 2018|Categories: News|

It is now possible to visit the tombs of Horemheb and Maya anywhere you want!

Use your computer or tablet to wander through the tombs or use a VR headset to experience a virtual visit in 3D!
Zoom in on high resolution photos of the reliefs and navigate your way through the tombs of Horemheb and Maya. You can even visit the beautifully decorated substructure of the tomb of Maya!


These Virtual Tours have been created by Salma ElDardiry and Karim Mansour of Describing Egypt with the financial support of our Friends.


Saqqara Newsletter 16 (2018) out now!

2018-12-20T11:41:28+01:00December 20th, 2018|Categories: News|

The 16th Saqqara Newsletter (2018) is printed and sent to all our Friends! Did you donate to the Friends of Saqqara foundation in 2018? Then you will find the Newsletter in your mailbox within a few days.

Are you not a friend yet?! Become a Friend now!

Send an email to friends [at] saqqara.nl with your name + postal address and pay the membership fee (€ 35 / Student € 17,50). For members abroad an additional € 5 will be charged for postage.

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